Defines a sequence of a given name of given values. Custom sequences have lots of use, since they able you to define very easily new generators, which repeat the given set of values or symbols, or whatever. Sequences are also useful within neurons or morphs to change their internal behaviour in a determined manner. The following defines a sequence which consists of values 1 2 and 3.
(seq :up '(1 2 3))
When you eval the sequence these values are repeated over and over.
(seq :up)
--> 1
(seq :up)
--> 2
(seq :up)
--> 3
(seq :up)
--> 1
To reset a sequence give following
(seq :up :reset)
The sequence starts now at the beginning.
(seq :up)
--> 1
NOTE: sequence may be a list or a vector.
(seq :up #(1 2 3))
(seq :up)
--> 1
(seq :up)
--> 2
Use gen-seq to generate a list of multiple values from the seq. If you have a longer sequence gen-seq allows you to access easily first the 8 components, then the next 8 and so on.